Thursday, August 27, 2009

Paton quote

Hey everyone,

I was reading the introduction to Alan Paton's book Cry, the Beloved Country and came across this quote from the author in 1949. And, well, he hits it on the head. So here it is:
It is my own belief that the only power which can resist the power of fear is the power of love. It's a weak thing and a tender thing; men despise and deride it. But I look for the day when in South Africa we shall realize that the only lasting and worth-while solution of our grave and profound problems lies not in the use of power, but in that understanding and compassion without which human life is an intolerable bondage, condemning us all to an existence of violence, misery and fear.
Love, understanding, and compassion. Three things to consider as we prepare to head out on our trip.

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